A Statement from our Site and Engineering Manager - Attila Forbauer
I have attended the event to represent Pacy&Wheatley as Construction Industry Ambassador.
The aim of the event was to get talented young people interested in engineering, construction and technology.
The event was presented by Maggie Philbin from the TV program Tomorrow's World.
We had 300 children from all over South Yorkshire with their teachers.
Each Ambassador had ten kids to look after and do activities with, throughout the day.
Pacy&Wheatley's presence was noted by people from Yorbuild Framework and I was told to take photos and record that we supported the event as it is a framework requirement that contractors do so.
Mark Scott also attended and had the opportunity to do some networking with exhibitors. No debt this activity will bring new contacts in and reinforce existing partnerships.
I spent all day with my group of kids and was asked to visit schools in Sheffield to speak to children about the importance of education and explain how the knowledge in certain subjects can be used later in the workplace (maths in engineering).
I think the event was a massive success and I throughly enjoyed my
part in it. I genuinely think that Pacy&Wheatley has a great chance to raise the profile of the company even further if we attend/support more of these events. It is a relatively inexpensive way to put the company on the social media/online map as the event has large media coverage.
The fact the I was approached by people who'd expressed their pleasure in seeing the Pacy&Wheatley logo confirms the above.
Photos from the event: